Inside Story Americas - Can US and Russia agree on saving Syria?

  • 12 years ago
The US and Russia have been at odds over Syria. Washington has repeatedly called on al-Assad to step down and wants the international community to unite with one voice calling for regime change. Moscow agrees with the UN envoy's plan that includes forming a regional grouping to put pressure on all sides of the conflict to stop the violence. And as part of that, Iran, which retains influence over al-Assad's regime, would be involved but that is something the US finds unacceptable. Russian leaders have rejected international military intervention and despite increasingly bellicose language, the US and its European allies are not keen on the idea either. Do either the US or Russia have a viable plan to end the conflict in Syria that has left thousands dead over the last 15 months? Guests: Joshua Landis, Michele Dunne, James Jatras.