Shuttle docks at New York museum

  • 12 years ago
The space shuttle Enterprise never made it to space, but on Wednesday it traveled down New York's Hudson River strapped to a barge.

This is the final leg of the shuttle's several month journey to its new home as a museum piece in New York. The shuttle holds a special place in American history having been the first of NaSA's shuttle fleet. In the late seventieis, it was used for a series of approach and landing tests.

Originally supposed to be named the Constitution, but a fierce letter writing campaign by Stark Trek fans convinced the White House to call it the Enterprise after the fictitious spaceship from the popular show.

Teams of workers spent the better part of the afternoon negotiating (over video of shuttle being lowered) the shuttle's landing on the deck of the Intrepid, a World War II era aircraft carrier which now serves as a museum.

Deborah Gembara, Reuters.
