FIRA-AER 7's European Championship 2012 Round 1 in Lyon
Played in Matmut stadium of Lyon
Sunday 3rd June 2012
Score : Portugal 14 England 26
Referee : Alexandre Ruiz (France)
Portugal England
(1) Avila Martim Williams Jeff (1)
(2) Moreira Duarte Myers Aaron (2)
(3) Valente Hugo Vickerman Rob (3)
(4) Leal Pedro Shires Sam (4)
(5) Almeida Francisco Preece Jack (5)
(6) Rodrigues Louis Hodgson Joel (6)
(7) Raposo Manuel Brake John (7)
(8) Esteves Aderito Powell Tom (8)
(9) Almeida Antonio Bibby Daniel (9)
(10) Sousa Luis Vilk Andy (10)
(11) Miranda Diogo Royle Nick (11)
(12) Mendes Vasco Williams Matt (12)
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Played in Matmut stadium of Lyon
Sunday 3rd June 2012
Score : Portugal 14 England 26
Referee : Alexandre Ruiz (France)
Portugal England
(1) Avila Martim Williams Jeff (1)
(2) Moreira Duarte Myers Aaron (2)
(3) Valente Hugo Vickerman Rob (3)
(4) Leal Pedro Shires Sam (4)
(5) Almeida Francisco Preece Jack (5)
(6) Rodrigues Louis Hodgson Joel (6)
(7) Raposo Manuel Brake John (7)
(8) Esteves Aderito Powell Tom (8)
(9) Almeida Antonio Bibby Daniel (9)
(10) Sousa Luis Vilk Andy (10)
(11) Miranda Diogo Royle Nick (11)
(12) Mendes Vasco Williams Matt (12)
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