Chinese activist Chen calls for democracy

  • 12 years ago
A call for democracy in China.

Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng tells the Council on Foreign Relations in New York that he is optimistic about the possibility of reform in China and plans to return home.


"Nobody can stop the progress of history. I don't care if it is a central government, the central government wants to move forward, ahead or backwards, it's going to be forcible forward. You know Marx said that productive forces determine productive relationships so if the central government wants to do it of course they can do it but it will take time and it will need support from the people."

Chen said that he is still concerned for the safety of his family.

After four years in jail on what he and his supporters say were trumped-up charges designed to end his activism, Chen was released in 2010 and put under house arrest.

In 2005, Chen accused officials of forcing women to have late-term abortions and sterilization's to comply with China's strict family-planning policies. He was charged with whipping up a crowd that disrupted traffic and damaged property.

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
