Taylor sentenced to 50 years

  • 12 years ago
Judges at the Hague sentence former Liberian President Charles Taylor to 50 years in prison.


"The trial chamber unanimously sentences you to a single term of imprisonment of 50 years for all the counts of which you've been found guilty."

Sixty-four-year-old Taylor is the first head of state to be convicted by an international court since World War Two.

He was found guilty of backing rebels who murdered, raped and mutilated tens of thousands of people in an 11-year war that ended in 2002.

The Special Court for Sierra Leone ruled last month that Taylor aided and abetted Revolutionary United Front rebels in the war that left 50,000 people dead.

Taylor also profited from the war by trading in so-called blood diamonds that helped finance the conflict.

Judges at The Hague said Taylor knew about the brutality but nonetheless helped equip and fund the rebels, giving them satellite phones and money.

Simon Hanna, Reuters.
