Simply Appointments with Aneil Singh - Interview at Canadian Massage Conference 2011

  • 12 years ago Simply Appointments in a nutshell is an internet software company/program that allows you and your customers to book appointments online. It's secure and has a lot of simple options and you don't have to install any software either. You just need a web browser and BOOM you're making appointments online. We have done our homework and listened to our customers and potential customers on what they want and feel is important. We built it for you so we all can book our appointments online.
It will be great not to hear the busy signal on the phone or email back and forth, yeah for technology.

Simply Appointments is an internet technology platform targeting the professional services market. Doctors, Lawyers, Therapists, Stylists, groomers and everyone who depends on an appointment calendar to meet with their clients. Simply Appointments will bring innovative simple next generation web 2.0 ease of use to the process of appointment setting between service providers and their clients.

The professional services market has been long ignored by new advancements in internet based technologies and innovations. Simply Appointments is working to change the old aged process of making appointments for professional service providers by bringing ease of use software services combined with rich functional value to help focus on their business and providing quality service to their clients.

The company was founded to solve the selfish need to save time and give flexibility to the end user customer for appointment needs and wants. We all want to make appointments when the office is closed, and now you can! Simply Appointments staff have many years in the technology field, our passion is to deliver a top quality product with superior service and support. Simply Appointments is working to solve the real problem of the appointment process with flexible features. Being flexible makes the flow of appointments customizable for your business. We are a time saving productivity tool you should not be living without.

We are an internet based software company so our physical location doesn't really matter however we happen to reside in the one of the best technology mecca's of the world - Waterloo Region.

Our software has been built using reliable and proven web technology LAMP. Simply Appointments is hosted at a data center which features integrated monitoring and fire systems, cutting-edge security technology and 24/7 on site security staff. You can be sure our systems are being monitored 24-hours-a-day by experts.