Nigeria's 'Bin Laden' threatens to fight on - 28 Sept 09

  • 12 years ago
A Nigerian rebel leader is threatening to launch a new wave of violence in the country's oil-rich Niger Delta.

Solomon Ndigbara, a commander with the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (Mend), has become known as Nigeria's Osama Bin Laden.
He says the government has broken promises made to him since Mend declared an amnesty in June.

The rebels claim to be fighting for better oil wealth redistribution for Nigeria's poor, but the government accuses them of being criminals.

The attacks on oil installations have seen output in the Delta region cut by 20 per cent.

Although most of the various rebel groups have said willl accept the government's amnesty which ends on October 4th, Ndigbara remains defiant.

Al Jazeera's Yvonne Ndege went to meet him.