Thai Massage Video Training School - Product Review

  • 12 years ago
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Shama's story in a nutshell:

I discovered Thai massage when I first came to Thailand over 12 years ago. I have been studying, practicing and teaching ThaiHealingMassage ever since.

I had been practicing yoga, meditation and Qigong for most of my life. When I first received a Thai Massage session, I immediately realized how closely related Thai massage is to yoga. Combined with my knowledge and experience of yoga, meditation and Qigong, I found Thai massage to be the missing piece of the puzzle!

I immediately put all my energy into studying with the best teachers. I have since continued to expand my skills and have developed a unique style that successfully blends some of the best aspects of several healing systems such as Shiatsu, Medical Qigong, and Quantum Touch energy healing.

My unique system of ThaiHealingMassage incorporates techniques such as rocking and softer, rounder movements that result in a pain free yet totally transformative experience.

Not once did I have to advertise my work, and I was always booked weeks in advance. If you do what you love, your passion shines through and you will be successful at it. That's the simple secret right here.

I have lived for over 10 years in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the heartland of Thai Massage. My natural curiosity and creativity resulted in many unique applications, and over the years I combined all those skills and developed three unique styles of massage and healing work which I have been practicing and teaching for over ten years in several parts of the world