• 13 years ago
Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow video game review of BASEBALL STAR 2 from SNK for the Neo Geo. Baseball Stars 2 was originally released to arcades in 1992 and was ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) the same year. SNK would bring it to the Neo Geo two years later, which is the version we're playing here. This is the Baseball Stars 2 rerelease for the Neo Geo Station on the PlayStation Network (PSN). Baseball Stars 2 is classic, old-school, arcade-styled baseball. You press the same button to pitch, throw and swing, and like its peers, that simple control scheme allows you to get in, get playing and get addicted. The fundamentals of classic baseball games like RBI Baseball apply here, but this game goes in a very different direction. This CGRundertow video game review features video gameplay footage of Baseball Stars 2 on the Neo Geo and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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