Call of Duty Vita to Revitalize PlayStation’s Handheld Platform

  • 12 years ago
Call of Duty on PlayStation Vita, a portable gaming dream many gamers around the world anticipate after the Senior Vice President of PlayStation marketing, Guy Longworth confirmed its existence and planned release of Fall 2012. Unarguably one of, if not the most popular video game franchise this console generation, Activision's debut release of Call of Duty on Sony's latest handheld gaming platform will be the most crucial factor of success for the Vita since its launch earlier this year.

While no details have been provided about Call of Duty on Vita, E3 2012 is just around the corner and chances are high that gameplay footage and details will evolve during the largest video game event of the year. Will we still see Call of Duty on Vita this year? Will Vita’s release be a completely unique Call of Duty experience, or just a port of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2? Will Vita owners experience a true online experience with Call of Duty on Vita? These are all questions that gamers should expect to be answered within the next couple weeks.

Watch as I explain why Call of Duty on Vita will revitalize the PlayStation Vita platform. With the PlayStation Vita off to a slow start in regards to sales, Activision’s prized franchise has the ability to put the platform back on its feet and bring success that is known with the PlayStation brand.




