Fiber For Acne

  • 12 years ago Fiber for acne is a great idea because fiber acts like a brush cleaning the intestinal tract and digestive system. When the digestive system does it's job and cleanse these well because of the fiber the acne begins to clear up because instead of the toxins and things that are foreign in the body trying to escape the skin they flush out of your digestive system like they naturally should. Fiber also regulates blood sugar levels which regulates hormone levels and keeps your skin balanced so that more acne isn't produced. Fiber is very beneficial for clearing up acne and naturally getting rid of acne at home so I recommend you include more dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, beans, brown rice and whole wheat in your diet when you can. Also be sure to drink plenty of purified or spring water each day because this will help the fiber do it's job in clearing up the acne better.

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David Benjamin