Haiti still in need six months on

Al Jazeera English

by Al Jazeera English

Exactly six months have passed since Haiti's earthquake and aid agencies are still struggling to care for over a million hungry and homeless people.

1.5 million people, which is one sixth of the Haitian population, are still living in camps while an additional 1.2 million people rely on aid agencies for clean water.

At least $5.3 billion has been pledged in short-term aid which trickles down to $525 per person, but it's been one month into the Carribbean's hurricane season and only 3,700 storm-proof shelters have been built.

Al Jazeera's Lucia Newman, reporting from the capital Port-au-Prince, said: "Most people in Haiti don't even know that today marks the six month anniversary since the earthquake struck this country.

"They take things day by day here and now that we're in the middle of rainy season, it's even more dangerous for hundreds of makeshift homes to stay up and people have remained in the same tents simply because they have no where else to go."

Newman reports on a family of four whom Al Jazeera has been following ever since the earthquake to see how they have been coping.

July 12, 2010