US students rally over budget cuts

  • 12 years ago
Students have carried out rallies at dozens of universities and schools across the United States in protest against cuts to public education funding.

Some demonstrations turned violent as students blocked the main gates of a California university and smashed car windows.

The fragile state of the economy has forced states in America to make difficult budget decisions, which has meant millions of dollars cut in funding.

Raegan Miller, associate director for Education Research at the Center for American Progress, told Al Jazeera the public has felt and will feel the difficult budget choices that have been made.

"The students should be upset, they didn't cause the economic mess that we are in," he said.

"The revenue situation is so severe which will mean cuts in the classroom, this means especially art, music and physical education which are considered less essential subjects."

Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey reports from a protest rally in New York.
