CGRundertow VVVVVV for PC Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
VVVVVV Review. CGRundertow presents a video game review VVVVVV for PC. Games are fun. Games are challenging. Games can be addicting. When your indie game makes a guy completely forget assignments for college, you've earned your 15 dollars for the game and then some. VVVVVV (Referred to as 'The Letter V Six Times' because making a constant vvvvvvvvvvvvv noise is annoying and makes people raise an eyebrow in concern) is that addiction. It's a fun retro themed platform-puzzler from indie developer Terry Cavanagh. With a Commadore64/Atari coat of paint and flip-flopping gameplay, VVVVVV tells the story of a captain seeking his ship's crew in an unstable dimension. He's got to find them, solve the mystery of the instability and avoid harmful objects like Truth, Lies, Coins, and Spikes at the same time. With endless options thanks to player made levels, a reverse mode, time trials, and the near-impossible No Death Mode, VVVVVV is an addicting game that you can now get on your PC for a nice reduced price, or on the Nintendo 3DS. It's addicting, to segment your gameplay seriously, remember to take breaks while playing! This video review features video gameplay footage of VVVVVV on the PC, and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Jonathan.

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