Riz Khan - Living with leukaemia - 27 May 08 - Part 2

  • 12 years ago
He has been told he has only weeks or months left to live.

Suffering from leukaemia, Adrian Sudbury has made it his mission to educate people on what it is like to be a bone marrow donor.

He says there are many misconceptions about the procedure and that more people could be saved if the facts were known.

After the 26-year-old patient was told he has a low survival chance he opted against taking further treatment.

His online account of each step in his fight against leukaemia called Baldy's Blog includes very personal descriptions of his experiences.

He is joined on the show by Dr Jeffrey Chell, the CEO of the US National Marrow Donor Programme, which links patients with donors worldwide.

Leukaemia is caused by a mutation in a cell of the bone marrow and is one of the deadliest forms of cancer.
