Roy's Crazy Show, 103, Still Got the Blues.

  • 12 years ago
Dear viewers.
listen out in this one, for a featured guest.
he is called, Enio ( i think) and he is a guitar busker, whom i enjoyed listening to in our high street a few weeks ago. I bought his cd, and i over dubbed my voice for this song,
and here it is. Forget about my singing, and please enjoy the brilliant guitar playing, of Enio, which is the main reason why i did this.
There is so much great, untapped talent out on our streets, that seldom gets noticed.
If i was to form a band, i would go looking for this chap, but i haven't seen him since.
but, with talent like this, he must already play in a few bands..
Anyone, whom can play the Devils instrument like this, is a Genius.
I only wish, that i could to.
take care