Classic Game Room: MR. DO! for ColecoVision review

  • 12 years ago
Classic Game Room reviews MR. DO! for ColecoVision from 1983. Originally released in the arcades in 1983 by Universal and published by Taito, Mr. Do! is very similar to Namco's classic Dig Dug but with some fundamental differences that make it rock. In Mr. Do you play as a clown armed with a fun-ball that you throw at enemies, once thrown it leaves you vulnerable until it comes back. Collect cherries in groups of 8 to score bonus points, drop apples on bad guys and collect letters to score an extra life. Similar to Dig Dug you are digging around in dirt and avoiding bad guys in tunnels as well as collecting various food items in the center of the screen, but the scoring is very different and the super-ball requires a different offensive strategy than one would use with a bike pump. Mr. Do! was ported to various game consoles including the Atari 2600, NES, Super Nintendo SNES and Neo Geo! The ColecoVision version is excellent and suffers a bit because of the Coleco controller but not enough to ruin the game. Visuals and audio are top notch as is the stunning gameplay. This CGR review of Mr. Do! has gameplay from Mr Do showing Mr. Do game play in HD from Colecovision where gaming review footage of Mr. Do! was recorded for this Mr. Do! video review on YouTube.