Classic Game Room - BIONIC COMMANDO REARMED 2 review


by ClassicGameRoom

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Classic Game Room reviews BIONIC COMMANDO REARMED 2 for Playstation 3 PS3 (also available for Xbox 360) published by Capcom. This sequel to the Bionic Commando remake called Bionic Commando Rearmed is slightly refined with a few new features and additional challenge levels. Bionic Commando can now jump and adjust the length of his bionic arm. Beautiful background imagery and awesome music ramp up the intensity of this slick 2D style action platformer to BIONIC levels of awesomeness. This CGR review of Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 has gameplay from the PS3 version of Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 showing videogame game play in action.