Full 911 Tape Indicates Trayvon Martin Stalked George Zimmerman

  • 12 years ago
George Zimmerman looks like a over weight fellow and there is no way he could have ran to catch up if Martin had been running in the opposite direction of Zimmerman. Especially if Zimmerman stayed on the phone and maintained the call with the police dispatcher. Zimmerman would not be able to hold the phone to his ear and speak coherently if he was sprinting after Martin. If Martin was running in a opposite Direction of Zimmerman it would be impossible for the two men to come in contact with each other and impossible for Zimmerman to catch up after a several minute lead. The only way for the incident to occur is if Martin doubled back and was stalking Zimmerman. Zimmerman says many times "he's running" but does not say he is running away indicating Martin is not running away from Zimmerman but rather circularly running around him. When the police dispatcher asked Zimmerman for his address he was afraid to say it out load for fear Martin was nearby and would over hear it.
