China's State Media Report Hints at Trouble for Zhou Yongkang

  • 12 years ago
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After Chinese official Bo Xilai was removed from his post in Chongqing last week, China analysts said that Zhou Yongkang, one of the most powerful members of the current Party leadership, and a close supporter of Bo, could be gone next. Now that may be happening. Amid reports that Zhou may have been arrested, an announcement in state-run media shows that Chinese leader Hu Jintao is gaining power over Zhou's organization.

China's security chief Zhou Yongkang may be in trouble. Zhou is the head of China's powerful Political and Legislative Affairs Committee. That committee essentially controls both the police and the courts in China. Zhou is also on the Politburo Standing Committee—making him one of the nine men who rule the Communist Party.

Now, Zhou Yongkang could be the latest casualty in an ongoing power struggle within the Party. Zhou was a close supporter of former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai. Bo was removed from his position a week ago, and China watchers have suggested that he could take Zhou down with him.

If Zhou is marginalized within the Party, it could have a large effect on the leadership transition later this year.

On March 21st, the Financial Times reported that Zhou has been ordered not to make public appearances. According to their source with ties to China's state security, Zhou is "already under some degree of control."

The Epoch Times has also reported that Zhou has been arrested. They quoted a source with ties to high-ranking Chinese officials.

Zhou's arrest is unconfirmed. But news reports from state-run media also point to trouble for Zhou. On March 21st, state-run Xinhua News Agency announced a sudden ideological training for the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee.
