Amateur video of Toulouse shooting suspect

  • 12 years ago

STORY: Amateur video filmed by one of his friends shows Mohamed Mehra, then aged 21, performing a 'rodeo' maneuver with his car. He was a mechanic trainee at the time.

The gunman who said al Qaeda inspired him to kill seven people in France died in a hail of bullets on Thursday (March 22) as he scrambled out of a ground-floor window during a gunbattle with elite police commandos.

Mohamed Merah, a Frenchman of Algerian origin, died from gunshot wounds at the end of a 30-hour standoff with police at his apartment in southern France and after confessing to killing three soldiers, three Jewish children and a rabbi.

He was firing at police as he jumped out of the window, Interior Minister Claude Gueant told reporters near the five-storey building, in a suburb of the southern city of Toulouse.