Outdoor Wheelchair - my outdoor wheelchair changed my life

  • 12 years ago

Outdoor Wheelchair

We exhibited at the Mobility Road show in Edinburgh, which was really good. But the town was even better especially the night life. It has been years since I have been there,

I must admit it was great to be back, getting into as many nooks and crannies as possible. I have decided on a new motto for my business, (Myblity ALL TERRAIN WHEELCHAIR) - "Get A Life, Not A Rubbish Wheelchair" - well its not really catchy but it is spot on.

Edinburgh is a wonderful place to visit, it is vibrant and friendly with great night life. I really can't wait to go again. If I get my act together I think I will go to the Fringe next year.

For more information on this All Terrain Outdoor Wheelchair
please call: 0330 555 0545
or visit http://www.mybility.co.uk/blog
