• 5 years ago
Presented by SEAN
Spencer Jo's musical journey has taken him all over the world and somehow he always makes it home. Home being Canadian prairie city Calgary, AB. Started playing punk gigs at age sixteen, 2002, with the Falling Pianos. Joined Rum Runner in 2006. In his adult life, he's independently released a solo album (2007) and made a record as a member of Rum Runner (Stumble Records June 2009). From the dingiest dive bars to the brightest festival beer gardens, he's shared stages with Greats from both the punk and folk worlds. From the streets of Vancouver to the streets of Marrakech he's sung with the hardiest of locals. Where will the road take him from here? Somewhere awesome, probably.


Contact sean@balconytvedmonton.com if your interested in performing.

Tune in again to get your music fix!