• 13 years ago
http://www.ConikiTV.com Some exercises are too challenging however if you never attempt them then you’ll never move away from your comfort zone. Challenge yourself and be the best you can be. Niki gets stronger abs every with ConikiXXX. Watch Niki slowly but surely get rid of unwanted fat on her way to sculpting a beautiful mid section with the SUSPENDED KNEE RAISES exercise by using the 9th segment of Workout 1 of week 4 of ConikiXXX.

The XXX in ConikiXXX stands for Wildly exciting straight edge lifestyle whilst refraining from drinking, smoking, and drugs. Watch out, it's infectious.

ConikiXXX is the 1st workout system that you can do at home for FREE designed to be SAFE and suitable for people of all ages. Complete with detailed professionally designed tutorials that will get you working out safely and without risk of injury.

Join the HOME WORKOUT PHENOMENON today, it's FREE. Just hit the SUBSCRIBE button on our site http://www.ConikiTV.com .

Check our website for full details.

Do this Exercise resting 30 seconds in between each set

SUSPENDED KNEE RAISES (Right Left Both) x 6-12 (left Right Both) x 6-12 reps

Rest 30 seconds between sets if you're doing this exercise on it's own otherwise simply move to the next exercise in workout 1 of week four. Alternatively this is a great way to rest between sets and is exactly what we do through all of our workouts, think of it as active rest !

Totally TRANSFORM at home with us and ConikiXXX - The Home Workout Phenomenon for FREE

Our FREE WEBSITE http://www.ConikiTV.com

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