• 5 years ago
Simply put - Evil is the new good. His music smells like The Kinks and absynth. In 1999 He was involved in a terrible accident. He subsequently picked up the guitar during a period of residence in a French psychiatric facility where he went under the name of Dwight. He believes that He is not alive. He believes He exists purely through music. He believes He may be quite mad and He believes He doesn't care. He has no faith in mankind. He has nothing tangible. He has music. Bloody good music. He is an intangible.

Sometimes Evil Uncle plays with his backing band The Intangibles and sometimes He does not. Sometimes He plays with a laptop called Dell and sometimes He does not. Sometimes He plays with Himself and sometimes He does not.

Hear Him to believe Him. Believe in Him to hear Him. He is good. He is loud. He is alive. He is Evil Uncle.


Tune in again tomorrow!!!
