Machine Gun Preacher Visits the Sunshine Coast, Australia

  • 12 years ago
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Sam Childers admits that he was as bad as they come. His involvement with drugs, alcohol and crime had his life spiraling in the wrong direction. Recently Sam visited the Sunshine Coast, Queensland to talk about how he has turned his life around and now is committed to assisting children in Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia and in other places Here is more from our Australian correspondent.

Sam Childers is the first to admit that from an early age he was on the wrong path.

[Sam Childers, Founder of Angels of East Africa]:
“I started doing drugs at 11 years old, started smoking marijuana; went to hard drugs at 13. By the age of 15 years old I’m putting a needle in my arm shooting up heroin, shooting up cocaine, started selling drugs. Then I went from selling drugs to being a shot gunner for drug deals.”

He’s not proud of his mistakes.

[Sam Childers, Founder of Angels of East Africa]:
“You know I’ve hurt a lot of people over the years. You know I don’t believe you could have got any worse than what I was.”

After a bad bar fight nearly took his life, Sam decided to change his ways.

[Sam Childers, Founder of Angels of East Africa]:
“Even though I didn’t give my life to Christ that night, I made the change to walk away from the lifestyle I was living.”

He arrived in Sudan in 1998 to help rebuild huts damaged in the conflict, but after seeing the incredible suffering of the Sudanese people, he pledged his life to helping in whatever way he could.

[Sam Childers, Founder of Angels of East Africa]:
“Seen a small child that stepped on a landmine. From the waist down was gone and I stood over that child, didn’t realize what I was saying, but I said 'God, I will do whatever it takes to help these people.' Fifteen years later I’m still there.”

Sam built an orphanage in Sudan and now leads armed missions to rescue...