Accused Bali bomber in court

  • 12 years ago
A convoy carrying Umar Patek, an Islamic militant accused of making the bombs used in the 2002 Bali nightclubs attack, arrives at court in the Indonesian capital.

Forty-five-year-old Patek is also accused of mixing chemicals for the bombs used to attack five churches in Jakarta on Christmas Eve in 2000.

He is facing six charges in total, including bomb-making, murder, and possession of illegal firearms.

Patek's lawyers say he denies involvement in the bombings.


"We deem the charges from state prosecutors insufficient and we ask the panel of judges to dismiss the trial."

Patek was captured in Abbottabad in January 2011, the same Pakistani town where U.S. forces shot dead Osama bin Laden

Security officials say he is a member of the banned Jemaah Islamiah group which is linked to al Qaeda.

The 2002 Bali nightclub bombings killed 202 people, mainly Australian tourists.

The attack was a watershed for the world's most populous Muslim country, forcing the secular state to confront the presence of violent militants on its soil.

Nick Rowlands, Reuters.