Learn To Play Musical Instruments - Ghatam - Part 2

  • 12 years ago
Buy the DVD at: http://www.superaudio.in/classical-music-dvds-learn-to-play-ghatam-dvd-p-4600.html or http://www.musicandchants.com/
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Ghatam is an earthenware pot which is an oldest percussion instrument used in Carnatic Music of South Indian. Ghatam is different from ordinary mud pots and is made up of a special type of baked clay mixed with copper, iron, or brasses fillings. The mouth of the Ghatam is open and is played with two hands, wrists, ten fingers and nails.

This DVD of Learn to Play Ghatam comprises basic lessons on playing the Ghatam by Sri V. Umashankar, Son and disciple of Padmashree T. H. Vikku Vinayakaram. The lessons on this DVD has been tallored in a way that you can learn & practice the Ghatam within the comfort of your home.

History and Artist Profile
*Interview with Padmashree T. H. Vikku Vinayakaram
*Sitting Posture
*Types of Ghatam
*Tuning of Ghatam
*Finger Techniques
*Basic Lessons
*Practice Lessons
*Concert Pattern
*Students Exhibition. 


