• 6 years ago
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Since the tender age of 1 month it was clear that Shaun would change the world through music. By 1 he had mastered the piano, recorder and harpsichord (parts of this bio are fictional). Following in the footsteps of his idols, the California Raisins, he decided it was time to learn guitar, so his dad made him a guitar out of plywood and fishing line (other parts of this bio are completely true). It looked cool but didn't really work. At age 11 Shaun's uncle bought him his first real guitar. He took lessons for a year and learned popular chords such as the C chord, and the D chord. However, Shaun quickly became discouraged with the guitar as it was not the choice instrument of new musical idols - The RZA, The GZA and the Method Man.

In 2006, roughly 16 years later, Shaun found himself amidst change. He simplified, grew, learned and listened. He spoke. He disconnected and reconnected. He fell. He got back up. He found an acoustic guitar and they quickly became best friends.
Hmmm, that was kind of cheesy...Maybe I will ask someone else to do this for me.

Any volunteers?

I'm slowly working on recording more songs and I'll put them up when they are done.

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