• 5 years ago


In Andrew's words,

'I was born Andrew Maxwell Morris in Melbourne, Australia. I lived down under until the age of 9. In the middle of that, my dad shipped me to Fiji for a couple of years and then back to Melbourne. At the age of 9, my parents packed up the Australian dream we and left for the shores of the United Kingdom, where I have lived on and off for the past 15 years, studying, writing and playing in bands and on my own on the acoustic stages of London and the South West. Its been an interesting journey this far...

Through my childhood journey I saw countries you could only dream of deserts in Saudi Arabia, Wadis in Oman, the Sultans palace in Brunei and jungle in Malaysia and Fiji. Ive met so many amazing people, like ships in the night who have left a mark. A traveller at heart, I write music with an open mind. Thrown into piano lessons at the age of five and wrote my first song at 12, I went onto become a drummer and then a guitar player at 15, and the rest is just history. I have always been a songwriter and even when not writing, I am thinking about songs, lyrics, ideas.

The Journey so far has included: Playing at Glastonbury 2008, being 'Hotly Tipped' by Itunes, Supporting Marillion in Holland and London, Winning Playmusic best solo artist, Appearing live on Sky TV. '

Check out his website,

and his myspace,

Tune in again tomorrow!