• 6 years ago
http://www.balconytv.co.uk 19/10/2008

My name is Stephen Long. I prefer foil to cling film, like the sound ice makes when you put it in a drink, and find it very difficult to throw away shoe boxes. One of the things I do is write songs. I hope you like them. Come along to a gig and say hello.

My CD "Seven Songs" is no longer available. Partly because I ran out and mainly because I don't like those recordings any more. Not to worry though because there's now a new CD. It's a full album (twelve songs) called "A Tree To Climb". It was recorded in a day at Running Frog Studios in Windsor on the 1st of August 2008. There are a few songs from it currently on my myspace. It's a fiver and is currently only available at gigs. It might be for sale via my myspace soon.


Tune in again tomorrow!