Travel Guide to Santa Cruz, Tenerife

  • 12 years ago - Visit for more information on Santa Cruz, TenerifeSanta Cruz (also known as Santa Cruz de Tenerife) is the capital city of Tenerife together with La Palmas. The city is also the capital if the Canary Islands. Santa Cruz is an important city as it serves as a communication hub between Africa, Europe and the Americas with ships arriving from many nations.

What to see

• Tenerife Opera House
• Torres de Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz Towers)
• Iglesia de la Concepción
• Castillo de San Cristóbal
• Castillo de San Juan Bautista
• Masonic Temple of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
• Mauseo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre
• Teatro Guimerá
• Playa de Las Teresitas
• Palmetum of Santa Cruz

What to do

• Festival de Música Clásica de Canarias
• Festival de Ópera de Tenerife
• Tenerife International Film Music Festival
• Festival de Zarzuela de Canarias
• Festival Santa Blues
