Stress Reduction - Stress Relief

  • 18 years ago
Stress has become the number one malady of our time. The constant pressure associated with living in the fast-paced world has created an environment where nearly everyone is suffering from excessive stress.

Stress is the body and mind's response to any pressure that disrupts its normal balance. It occurs when our perception of events doesn't meet our expectations and we are unable to manage our reaction. Change, illness, injury or career and lifestyle changes, are common causes of stress, however, it's the pressure and tension we feel in response to the little everyday hassles -- like rush hour traffic, waiting in line, and too many e-mails -- that do the damage. We look at outside events as the source of stress, but in fact stress is really caused by our emotional reactions to events.

The fact is you can't eliminate stress from your life, but you can learn how to manage it and reverse the damage it can cause. Our programs and products have been used in over 40 countries to help transform stress into productive energy. You can too by experiencing the HeartMath System for yourself.

a>Stress Relief