The biggest extinguishing plane in the world

  • 12 years ago
The fire has been raging for three days straight. Over 40,000 dunam and 4 million trees have been burned to the ground. 35 planes from Greece, Britain, Turkey and France are putting out their greatest effort since Sunday morning. Even Australia has joined the effort to finally take control over the inferno. At the same time bulldozers are digging tunnels across the forests in order to desperately try to avoid the fire from spreading. The biggest extinguishing plane in the world, the super tanker, landed in Israel Saturday night, courtesy of the US government, though technical difficulties delayed the plane for hours at the airport. Haifa's firefighting spokesman, Reshsef Hezi Levi, has expressed cautious optimism, stating that the worst is behind us even though the fire keeps popping up at different areas. He also stated that he forecasts an estimated time durance of one week till the flames are completely extinguished. 
