Maha Kurukshetra Parva - Animated Movie

  • 13 years ago
Buy the DVD from: More info: This is the most important part of Mahabharata. The great Kurukshetra war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the Bhagavad-Gita given by Lord Krishna, the final moments of Bhishma and Karna, and Krishna revealing his awesome divine form are found in this part. Every moment of Mahabharata will thrill and elevate you. The 18 days of war is explained clearly with a beautiful story line. The death of Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Abhimanyu, Duryodhana, the bravery of Karna, Arjuna, Ghatothkacha, Shikandis revenge, the great plots of the war including that of Chakravyuha, the killing of Ashwattama are depicted here beautifully. The aftermath of the war and the end of the Pandavas reveals clearly that time and tide catch up with all men, but only those elevated morally make life worth livening. 
