Singapore jails outspoken party chief

  • 13 years ago Singapore claims to be a democracy. In reality, however, the ruling PAP maintains oppressive control over the city-state. Its latest efforts to suppress political dissent include the impending imprisonment of Dr Chee Soon Juan. His crime? Speaking in public. In Singapore, speaking in public requires a government permit. But the PAP government does not freely grant such permits to political opponents. The prison term means Dr Chee cannot stand in this year's parliamentary elections. The PAP presently controls 82 of Singapore's 84 seats. PAP also suppresses dissent by suing its opponents for libel. Where in other democracies politicians expect to be criticized, PAP politicians are thin-skinned. For example, it is a libel to suggest nepotism is the reason why Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has his job -- after his dad held it for 31 years. Dynastic government? Kind of reminds you of Asia's other political dynasty. 
