How to Make a Nice Bowl of Quinoa with The Funkmeyers

  • 13 years ago
We are bout teach YOU how to make a tasty bowl of quinoa! With a Chinese clay pot no less, sure to impress Manchurian neighbors and yogi-granola-hippie-types of the opposite sex.

Quinoa is our favorite grain because it has all of the sustenance and fullness of wheat, but none of the corresponding heaviness. You can eat a big bowl and still feel good and light and satiated. It is a rare grain, the queen of grains if you will.

While being tasty, it can also be troublesome to make, especially for the uninitiated. But have no fear, for Jenny Funkmeyer will lead the charge and show you the way into your very own New Reality Quinoa Cooking Operation (TM).

By the by, we have now moved into phase 2 of our live production behemoth, sure to blitzkrieg through planet Earth at such a rapid pace of evolution that people will but wonder, where did these wily Funkmeyers come from?

Well! We thought you'd never ask! The Funkmeyers, like any good emergent property of a system, simply by fol
