Protesters, police clash in Pakistan

  • 12 years ago
Thousands of rickshaw drivers protesting against a recently-introduced traffic plan clash with police in Pakistan.
Police wield batons as they chase down demonstrators in the northwestern city of Peshawar.
Leaders of the Rickshaw Drivers' Union say they're protesting against a plan to restrict drivers' working hours that would drastically reduce their income.
The government of Peshawar planned to require rickshaws to work in two shifts on a rotation basis - a plan aimed at streamlining traffic on the city's main roadways.
But the drivers say the new plan means they have to work day and night to make ends meet.
"We are not asking for a lot. We are not demanding that we should sit in bed and the government should come and feed us. No, we are hardworking people, we can fend for ourselves. But they should not inflict injustice and cruelty on us."
Police on Monday also used tear gas to disperse the crowds.
Union leaders say their strike will continue until the government scraps the new plan.
Travis Brecher, Reuters
