23 Mind Control Patents 1956- 2003

Jeff Scott

by Jeff Scott

This is a list of 23 key Mind Control Related Devices that have been issued patents from the U.S. Patent Office, between 1956 and 2003.

Many of these patents are microwave technology, used in electromagnetic mind control and Organized Stalking of Individuals With Directed Energy Weapons.

This is not a list of all patented mind control technology and devices in the United States. This is only some of them.

National Security Agency devil worshipers known to be working long range takeover plans here spanning several generations, were also known to have plans to use many of these technologies to mind control the planet, including the U.S. population.

These Satanic mind control monsters are still inside of our government today, running the show behind the shield of the National Security Act of 1947.

Other mad scientists, such as Dr M.A. Persinger, inventor of The God Helmet and authority on electromagnetic mind control via microwaves, have further developed electromagnetic mind control using these patented technologies.

This is just a brief. Clip of Dr. MA Persinger by fair use reporting. There's also a 30 second Propaganda clip at the end to enhance wake up.