Fitness Through Sensual Dance - Getting Down - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
Fitness Through Sensual Dance - Getting Down - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.

Hi, my name is Kimberly Smith from StripXpertease and the move I am going to be showing you today is “Getting Down” so let us say you want to do some floor moves. You have to get down on the floor and you want to make sure it looks uber-sexy so the first thing you are going to do is assume your posture and you are going to mark a little bitty baby X on the floor about a foot in front of your right leg. Remember if you are left handed, just switch it up. You are going to take your left knee and you are going to aim it towards that little X. You are going to bring your right butt cheek down to your right heel and just go all the way down, using your hand to push the knee down. You are going to let the knee hit the floor and your right knee is going to come up slightly. From here you are going to use your left hand to push the knee forward so there is a big stretch here in the inner thigh. Then the right hand comes around the outside of the right knee and you push the right knee down to the floor.

From here you are going to lift your body up slightly and immediately point your toes. Anytime you are on the floor, you want pointed toes. This position is called “Saddle” and this is where you will end. So that is Getting Down.
