Youtube Change I Easy Steps For You To Get Used To The New Youtube Layout!

  • 13 years ago
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Changes on Youtube.
Youtube is becaming highly intuitive. It seems like Youtube wants to behave more like a social Networking site.
Based on that, the new Youtube layout & design changes drastically and I'm going to teach you now and on the next videos easy steps to get used to the new Youtube layout!

You are going to learn:

How to change Channel's Welcome Message
How to change "About Me" message
How to add and display Google +, Twitter, Facebook icons on your Channel
How to display your websites on Youtube Channel: How to add your blog to you Channel. Also add other websites to your channel.
How to play your video automatically -- How not to play your video automatically
How to choose the Video you want to display (featured video) - How to choose the videos or the playlists.

This is Vitoria Castro and I will see you on the next movie!
