Last U.S. convoy leaves Iraq

  • 13 years ago
The very last convoy of U.S troops to leave Iraq rumbled across the border into Kuwait on Sunday.
It's reckoned to be one of the biggest removal jobs in history
After nine years of war there's a lot of baggage.
At the start of the year it was calculated there were nearly three million items of equipment to shift, from aircraft and tanks to laptops and lights.
Sunday's convoys began rolling out before dawn.
The troops were in jubilant mood.
SOUNDBITE: Sergeant Acoff from Texas saying (English):
"Feeling good, I'm happy, happy to be out of Iraq."
SOUNDBITE: Sergeant Smith from Texas saying (English):
"Relieved, happy. Just just can't wait to get home."
On Saturday ahead of a ceremony to sign the last American base over to the Iraqi military there seemed to be a party atmosphere.
Some celebrated with a barbecue.
Others played their own version of American football.
SOUNDBITE: Staff Sergeant from Brigade Combat Team, Christian Schultz from Lake Martin, Alabama, saying (English):
"I was here when it first started and I've seen a lot of progress in this country, a lot of changes. I've got a lot of good memories and a lot of bad memories here, so I've kind of got mixed feelings about it but it's fulfilling, definitely."
The Iraqi flag was raised as the final base was handed over.
What was Camp Adder has now been renamed Imam Ali Air Base.
At the peak there were 170, 000 U.S. troops in Iraq.
Virtually all will be back home for Christmas.
Paul Chapman, Reuters.
