Fine Art Mentioned in Proust's 'Swann's Way'

  • 13 years ago
Set to Cesar Franck's 'Sonata in A major for Piano and Violin' (1886) which might have been the source of 'the little phrase' that so moved Swann in regard to his love for Odette:

1- Sandro Botticelli, "The Trials of Moses," Sistine Chapel, Rome (1481-82): The Daughters of Jethro:

'... Standing there beside him, her loosened hair flowing down her cheeks, bending one knee in a slightly balletic pose in order to be able to lean without effort over the picture at which she was gazing, her head on one side, with those great eyes of hers which seemed so tired and sullen when there was nothing to animate her, she struck Swann by her resemblance to the figure of Zipporah, Jethro's daughter, which is to be seen in one of the Sistine frescoes. [. . .]
