• 13 years ago
Is there Trinity in the Old Testament? Did the Old Testament Jews believe in a triune God? Is the God of Jews a triune God? The following excerpt was taken from the debate took place between Rabbi Tovia Singer and Dr. William Lane Craig The Topic was Does The Trinity Make Sense? Click here to watch the full debate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmmNn6AHFfM jesus christ holy ghost spirit god trinity debate Truth Gospel Lord church religion william lane craig Jew Jews Jewish Rabbi tovia singer apologist apologetic prophecy trinity Jesus Yeshua Hashem Torah Tanakh Messiah God G-D YHWH AM Yahweh Elohim Creator eternal debate debated debating debates highlights skeptic atheist agnostic Scripture Scriptures Bible Biblical prophecies prophecied hundreds Savior Israel Israeli Jerusalem stumbling block reject miss judgment 


