Is Muhammad a Prophet of God? ( 1st Rebuttal - 3 of 5 )

  • 13 years ago
Was Muhammad (pbuh) a true prophet of God? Was he a mercy for humanity? Did Muhammad (pbuh) author the Qur'an? For Muslims, the question of Muhammad's true prophethood is indisputable. They firmly believe that he is a true prophet and Messenger of God, through whom God's divine revelations throughout history were culminated and perfected, thus forming the universal divine message to mankind. For critics of Islam, generally, it is Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), rather than God, who is the founder of Islam, the author of its teachings, and the composer of its holy book, the Qur'an. A sincere and "neutral" researcher examine both claims and arrive at his own conclusions. Representing the Muslim perspective was Sheik Jalal Abualrub: Sheik Abualrub has written hundreds of articles defending Islam, He is translator of Islamic works, He is highly recommended by the American Muslim Association of North America. His two books include " Muhammad: Prophet of Mercy, Islam against terrorist dogma in Muhammad's own words " and " Biography and Mission Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab " He runs the website Representing the Christian side was Mr. David Wood: David is a former atheist, he converted to Christianity after examining the evidence for Gods existence He is a Teaching Fellow at Fordham University, where he teaches Philosophical Ethics He holds degrees in Biology and Philosophy and is coauthor of the book Who Was Jesus? Who Was Muhammad? Two Debates He runs the website The Topic of Debate: Who was Muhammad? The Christian and Muslim Perspectives Sheik Jalal Abualrub vs. David Wood (Eastside Christian Church, Fullerton, California, USA 12th April ,2008) For further information on upcoming or previous debates click here 


