Angelina Jolie finds a new direction

  • 13 years ago
Angelina Jolie walks her first red carpet as a director.
The Hollywood star and her partner Brad Pitt, celebrated the opening of her new film "In the Land of Blood and Honey" in New York.
Set against the backdrop of the Bosnian War, Jolie wrote and directed the love story of a Serbian soldier and a captive Bosnian woman.
Jolie described the film as complex.
SOUNDBITE: Angelina Jolie, director, saying (English):
"It's a very hard conflict to understand and region to completely understand. And I think it's very hard to watch intentionally. It hopefully has enough of a dramatic sense to it where it's a film and you want to watch it and you enjoy the characters and you understand the characters and brings you through. But it's brutal, it shows brutality and it shows the sense - we hope, gives people an authentic feel to be inside of something that is uncomfortable."
Jolie intentionally cast local actors to ensure the story had an authentic portrayal.
She said working with the native actors was a true learning experience.
SOUNDBITE: Angelina Jolie, director, saying (English):
"They're all actors and they are actors in a very different way from any actor I've ever met. They give everything they got because they survived war and they have a depth of emotion that is so beyond anything I can understand and they are so full of life and passion because of it. So I think they are so of the greatest artist around today."
And actress Vanesa Glodjo returned the compliment.
SOUNDBITE: Vanesa Glodjo, actress, saying (English):
"She really knows how to behave in front of the camera. She knows what an actor suppose to do. She knows, she knows a lot of things and she helped me a lot, to reach emotions, to keep showing the same emotions."
As for what's next for the mother of six, Jolie says she has no direction.
SOUNDBITE: Angelina Jolie, director, saying (English):
"I haven't acted for a few years and I don't know, I'm not sure kind of who I am right now, am in flux."
The film is scheduled to be released in the U.S. on December 23rd.
Alicia Powell, Reuters.