Bohemian Grove mystery broken down — Russia Today

  • il y a 13 ans
19/07/2011 — Russia Today
"Bohemian Grove mystery broken down"

"It’s nestled among the Redwoods in the woods of California. 2,700 acres of pristine land broken down into dozens of camps

And for two weeks every July since the 1880s, they have been filled with some of the most wealthy and powerful men in the world.

Many of them arrive on their corporate jets at the nearby Sonoma County Airport. Others arrive in fancy cars which fill the on-site parking lot. At its height, there is said to have been more than 2,000 men who attended and, as you can imagine, they are well protected by a trove of police. Access is by invitation only, and most pay more than $15,000 to attend.

For more than 35 years, protesters have stood at the entrance gates. [...]"

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