interview swell99 - in art uber alles

  • 13 years ago
Band of Macerata, Italy, active exactly from 1999... In the course of these years the band has realized 3 demo (of which one in co-production with the Red House Recordings by David Lenci) and participated to various compilation like Soniche avventure VIII of the Fridge records and Rock & contaminations of the Sana records... Music of the Swell99 has been always supported from an intense live activity with exhibitions in important clubs like Velvet and Transilvania, playing opening act for artists such as Vasco Rossi, Caparezza, 24Grana; we participated also to rock events of national importance (I-Tim Tour, national final of Musicoff Festival (Faenza), New Music Convenction (Macerata), Rourestock (Turin), Kosarock (MC), Ephebia contest (Terni)... Good reviews have been dedicated to the Swell99 from specialistic reviews like “Mucchio Selvaggio”, “Tutto”, “Rumore” e “Tribe” and have participated to the wireless transmission “Demo” of RAI Radio 1... Last understood in time order it’s the realization of the first album cured from the producer Andrea Mei, already keyboard and accordion player of the Gang and now writing songs for the Nomadi... The featured songs are either in English or Italian. This sort of “mixed” formula came out very naturally, also due to the band singer’s long experience in the US and the guitarist’s mixed origins (he is half Argentinian and sings one of the songs in the album)

