Learn Query Capabilities of Hibernate in Introduction ...

  • 13 years ago
http://www.gogotraining.com, 1-877-546-4446
This video discusses:
•Projection Queries, Aggregate Queries
•Bulk Updates and Deletes
•Native SQL Queries
•Query Filters

This video is part of the Introduction to Hibernate course which JSP and servlet programmers will learn how to integrate their enterprise applications with the open-source Hibernate framework for persisting information to databases. You will also learn how the Hibernate architecture implements best practices in Web application Development for persisting information to databases.

Course Prerequisites:
Familiarity with Java programming, servlets programming, JSP and JavaBeans; familiarity with Web page development (HTML and XML).

Course Objectives:
As a result of taking this Hibernate training, you will be able to:
• Install and configure the Hibernate product using XML.
• Explain how Hibernate maps a database table or entity to a Java object.
• Use Hibernate Query Language (HQL) to query and update database entities through Hibernate objects.
• Map uni-directional and bi-directional relationships in Hibernate.
• Implement inheritance in Hibernate mapping.
• Control transactions in Hibernate.
• Control caching and perform other advanced efficiency optimizations within Hibernate.
http://www.gogotraining.com, 1-877-546-4446
