• 13 years ago
Formation (1969–71)
In 1964, Steven Tyler formed his own band called The Strangeurs—later Chain Reaction— in New Hampshire. Meanwhile, Perry and Hamilton formed the Jam Band (commonly known as "Joe Perry's Jam Band"), which was based on free-form and blues. Hamilton and Perry moved to Boston, Massachusetts in September.There they met Joey Kramer, a drummer from Yonkers, New York. Kramer had known Steven Tyler and had always hoped to play in a band with him.Kramer, a Berklee College of Music student, decided to quit school to join Jam Band. In 1970, Chain Reaction and Jam Band played at the same gig. Tyler immediately loved Jam Band's sound, and wanted to combine the two bands. In October 1970, the bands met up again and considered the proposition. Steven Tyler, who had been a drummer and backup singer in Chain Reaction, adamantly refused to play drums in this new band, insisting he would only take part if he could be the frontman and lead vocalist.The others agreed, and a new band was born, although it was still missing a name.
The members of the band reportedly spent afternoons getting stoned and watching Three Stooges reruns.One day, they had a post-Stooges meeting to try to come up with a name. Kramer said that when he was in school he would write the word aerosmith all over his notebooks. The name had popped into his head after listening to Harry Nilsson's album Aerial Ballet, which featured jacket art of a circus performer jumping out of a biplane. Initially, Kramer's bandmates were nonplussed; they all thought he was referring to the Sinclair Lewis novel they were forced to read in high school English class. "No, not Arrowsmith," Kramer explained. "A-E-R-O...Aerosmith."The band settled upon this name after also considering "The bananas" and "Spike Jones.
Soon, the band added Ray Tabano, a childhood friend of Tyler, as rhythm guitarist and began playing local shows. Aerosmith played their first gig in Mendon, Massachusetts.


